7/3/2020 Office of the Registrar General: Start receiving applications for registration in the list of mediators in civil disputes

The Office of the General Registrar at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments announced that it has started receiving applications for registration in the list of mediators in civil disputes, in light of the decision of the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments No. (126) of 2019 issuing the executive regulations for Decree-Law No. (22) of 2019 regarding mediation To settle disputes.

The Office of the General Registrar stated that, in addition to the conditions stipulated in Article (3) of Decree-Law No. (22) of 2019 regarding mediation to settle disputes, whoever wishes to be registered in the list of mediators must have at least a bachelor’s or bachelor’s degree, or whatever Equivalent degrees from one of the recognized universities or institutes, that the period of his experience in his field of specialization is not less than three years, and that he passes a course in mediation in accordance with the standards and conditions issued by a decision of the Minister, and the decision specifies cases of exemption from this condition.

The legal persons who are requested to be registered in the brokers list must be licensed to work in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to designate one or more of their qualified employees who meet the conditions established for the registration of the natural person in the brokers ’list to represent him in the mediation procedures.

According to Article (15) of Resolution No. (126) of 2019 issuing the executive regulations for Decree-Law No. (22) of 2019 regarding mediation for the settlement of disputes, if the dispute is settled through mediation procedures during the consideration of the case before the court and before the court is adjudicated, the claim filing shall be exempted from the fee. If the settlement agreement is deposited within one month from the date of filing the lawsuit, half of the fee is exempted if this agreement is filed within four months from the date of filing the lawsuit, and if the settlement filing exceeds four months, the full fee shall be decided in the right of the claimant. The court decides to exempt the claimant from the fee in whole or in part, or to compel him to pay the full or remaining fee, or to return it to him - as the case -.

If the dispute is partially settled through the mediation procedures during the consideration of the case before the court and before the court adjudicating it, the provisions for exemption from the fees set forth in the first paragraph of this article shall apply only to what has been settled.

The Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments also issued Decree No. (13) of 2020 regarding the criteria and conditions for the mediation course and the cases of exemption from it, as it stipulated that the programs and training courses related to mediation should include the following topics: a statement of what mediation is, its stages, the role of the mediator in the mediation process, the rules of conduct for mediators, Communication skills with the parties to the conflict, developing the principle of neutrality and non-conflict of interests for the trainee, developing the skills to facilitate and facilitate negotiations, how to formulate settlement agreements, rights and duties of the parties, the rights and duties of the parties, applications and practical training for mediation cases.